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The Ohio Triangle -- by
Master Pezod (7/11/99)
In the past few months, some very strange things
have been reported in the state of Ohio.
On April 2, 1999, several phone calls were made
from various residents of Beaver Creek, Ohio to
Wright-Patterson Airforce Base concerning "weird
lights" oozing through the sky. The calls were
re-directed to a local college astronomy
professor who could not explain the incident.
During the night of April 13 between the hours of
11:00 pm and 3:00 am, on a connector road between
Selma and Gladstone, Ohio, three separate groups
of individuals claimed that their car engines
failed due to the close proximity of a UFO flying
overhead. One group of individuals claimed to
have been abducted by aliens.
On May 5 at 3:30 am, a man in Dodds, Ohio claimed
alien abduction as well.
Then on May 8, two elementary school children in
South Solon ran home crying. The parents were
informed that their children had witnessed a
large, flying bat. This bat was about "as big as
a doberman pincer with red eyes" and swooped down
upon the children numerous times. This is very
much the description of the legendary "Mothman"
witnessed over two decades ago in West Virginia.
The appearances of Mothman back then were linked
with UFO sightings. On May 9 and 10 of 1999, the
bat-like creature was sighted again in South
Solon, as well as in Port William. A UFO was
sighted in Port William, Ohio on the same day as
the "Mothman" sighting!
In Xenia, Ohio on May 25 at 2:15 am, a motorist
reported two "people" wearing "silver suits"
walking along Highway 35, just 5 miles away from
the city. The police investigated and found
nothing. The police believed it was a prank, but
strangely turned over their report of the
incident to Wright-Patterson AFB. A very similar
incident occured on this same stretch of highway
back in October 1973!
On May 30, a Harveysburg, Ohio resident reported
lights "flowing like water" over Caesar Creek
Lake at 12:45 am. "They were blue, red and green
with a little bit of silver in them...like a lava
lamp." These lights were also reported by people
in Dodds, Corwin, Kingman, and as far away as
Bellbrook (near Dayton).
"I swear to God I saw creatures not of this
Earth," said a Mr. Greely of Socialville, Ohio.
On the night of June 16 at approximately 4:15 am,
he was awakened by a noise. He noticed bright
lights shining outside his window. When he looked
through the windowpane he saw a circular
spacecraft approximately 30 feet wide...and three
creatures walking out of it! Mr. Greely said the
aliens wore silver suits and had large eyes "just
like the ones that they say abduct people." Mr.
Greely immediately called the Sheriff, but not
before he got his rifle loaded. "The Sheriff's
office took the message," says Mr. Greely, "but
they never showed up."
In the wee hours of the morning of June 24,
several of the local mental health centers in
southwestern Ohio received calls on their
answering machines from the towns of Pisgah,
Mason, Foster, Loveland, and Gano. A total of 20
different phone calls were made from different
people wishing to make appointments to talk to
counselors as soon as possible. Five of the
callers mentioned that they seemed to be
hallucinating. They described what they saw as
"aliens", "creatures", or "UFO men" in their
houses and mentioned that they could not go to
sleep. One caller described his "hallucination"
as witnessing "the devil."
On July 5 at 12:45 am, a woman in Hopkinsville,
Ohio called her son to beg him to come to her
house. She was upset, believing that she was just
analyzed by "spacemen" in their spacecraft. Her
son was wide awake due to his own family's
dilemma...they were watching a UFO land in their
backyard! The son broke down in tears and told
his mother he would be there as soon as he could.
He lived in Oregonia, Ohio near Caesar Creek
Lake. The woman has been reported missing by the
family. Officials are not sure if this is a hoax,
but are checking into the matter.
A Middletown, Ohio systems analyst, Dr. Brehmed
Ahmakt, has determined that the bizarre activity
is occuring within a triangular region defined by
Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati, Ohio.