By Texe Marrs
What messages are some of the world's top corporations sending with
their choices for names of products and companies? In my book Project
LUCID, I uncover the curious, occultic overtones of the Lucent
Technologies' logo--a fiery red circle. The name "Lucent"
is itself questionable. Some say it stands for Lucifer's Enterprises. Of
course, the corporation's spokesmen vociferously deny it.
Lucent Technologies is touting its
newest software innovation, brand-named "Inferno." Inferno!
What message is this mega-giant company--formerly known as AT&T's Bell
Labs--trying to send us?
A ministry friend from Columbus, Ohio,
recently decided to check out the Lucent web site on the internet and was
shocked by what he found. Here's his report:
The Lucent Technologies web site pictures a whirlpool of fire that is vivid red. Also, the buttons are not only red, but they are moving like flames. If you go to the Inferno bulletin board on Lucent's site, you can also view this. I am certain that the Lord led me to this file because it was no longer available the following day. Either I was somehow enabled to access a classified file or it was pulled by Lucent. This file should leave no doubt--except to the most blind among us--that Lucent Technologies is the most blatantly evil company in the world.
Running with the Devil
Lucent may or may not be an evil firm, but if so, it sure has a lot of
company. Consider, for example, Reebok International, the athletic
footwear company. Reebok recently gave one of its lines of women's running
shoes the telling name, Incubus. In medieval magic and lore, the incubus
is a demon that has sex with women while they sleep!
In U.S. News and World Report
(March 3, 1997), it was reported that some 53,000 pairs of the Incubus
line of shoes had, so far, been shipped to retailers. But a Reebok spokesman
insisted that the company was surprised when the occultic meaning of the
name Incubus was first brought to management's attention. "We
had no idea," said the spokesman.
Lucifer Manufacturing
Then there's Honeywell, the Minnesota-based computer
giant. Honeywell has some of its Christian employees upset because the
corporation is reportedly pushing a pro-homosexual philosophy. All workers
are required to attend "Diversity Training" seminars during which
the virtues of the gay lifestyle are extolled and praised.
Honeywell has, for years, had a subsidiary
company based in Europe named--believe it or not--Lucifer Manufacturing!
That's right, Lucifer. Probably just another embarrassing surprise,
right? Are we to believe that Honeywell's top executives had no idea who
Lucifer is?
Honeywell works closely with Oracle,
a software corporation active in Big Brother technologies. Together, Honeywell
and Oracle produce computerized control systems for the New World Order,
including scanning equipment for security operations. Honeywell's global
division has especially found success selling Honeywell's "Smart Distributed
System," which, like Superman's fabled x-ray vision, can literally
see through materials.
Recently, a friend of the ministry
e-mailed me a Honeywell press release in which the giant corporation announced
that its Lucifer subsidiary has now been sold to another large corporation,
Parker-Hannifin. Lucifer Lighting
Lucifer Lighting
Not to be outdone, a U.S.A. company in San Antonio also
goes by the name of Lucifer: Lucifer Lighting Co. A friend sent me one
of this company's sale brochures. The brochure advertises that the firm
makes and sells such products as Lucifer light strips and Lucifer halogen
lights. Now please, tell me: What corporate CEO in his right mind would
name a light company "Lucifer?"
666 Company Linked with Microsoft?
Now let us leave Lucifer and take a look at what's going
on at Microsoft, the world's largest software corporation. Microsoft has
recently announced it's gone into business with Apple Computers, one of
the top makers of personal and networking computers. According to Fortune
magazine, billionaire Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is the richest
man in the U.S.A. Gates was an attendee and a key player at Soviet Communist
Mikhail Gorbachev's State of the World Forum in San Francisco last
with Apple, Gates and his Microsoft Corporation will gain significant new
inroads into the computer market. Microsoft's global software and internet
superiority will intensify. But, have Bill Gates and Microsoft linked up
with a devilish company in Apple?
Consider Apple's choice for its corporate
symbol? The company's logo is an apple that has had a bite taken out of
it. To many occult insiders, this signifies that the eating of the forbidden
fruit (symbolically, the apple) by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was
a good thing. Occultists and New Agers teach that taking a bite out of
the apple gave the first two humans knowledge, or gnosis, putting them
on the path to self-divinity and godhood.
Apple Computers was cofounded in the
70s by Stephen Jobs, a weird, New Age guru-type, and Steven Wozniak, also
an advocate of the Aquarian Age culture. When entrepreneurs Jobs and Wozniak
first marketed their earliest, crude personal computer, they put a price
tag of $666 on the product. 666! Coincidental--or on purpose? You decide.
Proctor & Gamble's Old Man in the Moon
receive mail from time to time asking us if Proctor & Gamble (P&G),
the maker of many well-known soap and detergent products, is a satanic
organization. Inquirers frequently call our attention to P&G's curious
Old Proctor and
Gamble Logo
In fact, I have no evidence whatsoever
that Proctor & Gamble is linked with satanism. The constant rumor that
the president of this huge company once went on a major TV talk show and
professed to being a member of the Church of Satan has definitely been
proven to be false. The company believes that rumor was begun by corporate
Strangely, however, Proctor & Gamble
has for years sturbbornly refused to toss out its logo of an old man in
the moon surrounded by 13 stars. Some people suspect that the stars represent
the occultic number 13, and the belief is that they were arranged to roughly
appear as a 6, the number of the beast of Revelation 13. What seem to be
two horns come out of the old man's head.
Proctor & Gamble vigorously denies
the accusations, contending that the horns are merely curls of hair. And
the 13 stars? According to Proctor & Gamble, they represent the original
13 colonies of the U.S.A. The man in the moon, a company spokesman claims,
also honors the original colonies.
In 1992, Proctor & Gamble decided
to slightly revise its bizarre and troublesome logo. A corporate spokesman
announced that the curls (or horns?) were being softened artistically.
Other minor changes were also made, ostensibly to alleviate concerns. But
rumors and questions still remain.
In any case, soap-maker Proctor &
Gamble has filed lawsuits against several people believed to be responsible
for spreading the allegations of devilism. But, in at least one of the
lawsuits, the company raised eyebrows when the news came out that Proctor
& Gamble was seeking exactly $66,600 in damages!
Of Pyramids, Eyes, Serpents, Eggs, and Crosses
Everywhere one turns, the corporate logos seem to be sending
us messages. Internet provider America On-Line has for its logo a pyramid
with an all-seeing eye inside (the eye of Horus -- see "The Dollar
Bill"). CBS-TV also uses the enigmatic all-seeing
eye for its symbol. Meanwhile, Intel's computer chips, including the company's
top-selling Pentium chip (and Celeron Processor), come with the company's celebrated symbol, which
suspicously resembles the ancient occultic symbol of eternity, the ouroboros,
a serpent biting its own tail.
The Saturn automobile folks proudly
display their red-colored logo in TV ads and billboards, with its double
lines looking suspiciously like crossed horns. Nabisco's long-standing
logo has what seems to be a stylistic, multibar cross affixed to an egg-shaped
emblem. Is Nabisco's logo a Masonic phallic symbol of fertility (what about the
"Christian Fish" for that matter)?
The Shell Oil logo appears to be the
golden shell of Aphrodite, the goddess who, pagan legend says, rose from
the sea (see Revelation 13:1 for details). Meanwhile, Texaco Oil displays
the Egyptian tau cross in a black and red coloration.
![]() |
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![]() Does the Walt Disney corporate logo conceal three cleverly disguised "6s"--thus, 666? |
Disney has been much in the news lately. Christians are not at all happy with what they say is the smutty, anti-Bible direction the company is now taking with its movies (including the sexual references hidden in a few frames of cartoon movies as well as backwards voices glorifying child molestation), television shows, and CD albums. Is Disney's hostility to traditional Christian values reflected in its corporate logo? Carefully examine the Disney logo pictured here. Can you find what are alleged to be three 6s (666) concealed?
Just a Coincidence?
Are the shapes of these logos just coincidences? The corporations
mentioned above, and others who have adopted equally questionable marks
and logos, would almost certainly deny that their logos are either pagan,
occultic, or New Age. It may be that the corporate leadership is, in fact,
innocently unaware of the esoteric, sometimes hidden, meanings of these
symbols. Moreover, it must be admitted that a given symbol can have a multiplicity
of meanings. Therefore, we make no railing accusations against these companies
and their products.
But regardless, we do know for sure
that Satan, the temporal "god of this world" (II Corinthians
4:4), can be expected to plant his symbols of evil throughout the globe
in the last days. He is the father of liars, the blasphemous one, the dragon
and serpent. I am convinced that Satan and his agents are very busy these
days, conditioning men's minds and programming their senses with stunningly
effective visual magic and sorcery.
Our argument, our battle, is not with
the corporations of this world. Our struggle is with higher powers. Our
holy campaign is against "spiritual wickedness in high places."
What we see in many of today's company logos and emblems is no doubt a
prime manifestation of spiritual wickedness in high places.
Thank God, He is able and willing to
guide us into knowledge and wisdom as we expose today's multiplying, visible
manifestations of evil. Only He can protect us from their hypnotic, mind-control